Noreen Reid fundraising campaign in support of RMHC Family Room at Markham Stouffville Hospital
Je recueille 1 000 $ pour OMRM du Canada.

Fin : 5 mai 2017
In 2017, our McHappy Day VIP/Ambassador Program has an exciting new element. As an Ambassadors I am inviting Friends, Families and Colleagues to get involved in raising funds for this great community service. This is of course, is in addition to the one hour of volunteerism where I will join the outstanding McDonalds crew in serving our wonderful Guests on McHappy Day (May 3, 2017) All funds raised go directly to the York Region, Ronald McDonald Family Room at Markham Stouffville Room. Our goal of $328 (or higher) will fund the operation of the room for one full day. A gift worth contributing to. Thank You in advance! Noreen Reid
Donner à cette collecte de fonds
Historique des dons
3 mai 2017
Tyler M donné
25 $
2 mai 2017
Natalie P donné
25 $
26 avril 2017
Tyler L donné
25 $
25 avril 2017
Nancy B donné
25 $
14 avril 2017
Riza P donné
150 $
13 avril 2017
Anonyme donné
100 $
16 mars 2017
Anonyme donné
100 $