Summerside Community
Je recueille 500 $ pour OMRM du sud-ouest de l'Ontario.
Fin : 24 d�cembre 2020
SUMMERSIDE LET'S PUT A SMILE ON SOME FAMILIES FACES THAT TRULY NEED IT. After serving a dinner and seeing what the Ronald McDonald House does it touch me. Many family's have to quit their job to care for there sick child and they struggling financially to support the rest of there family. Not to mention the added expense of medical items not paid for. We lost a baby close to birth and I know how devastating that was, I can't imagine how tough it must be on these families with sick children that have been in there lives already. Now with Covid it has made things more difficult for them to enjoy Christmas with their families. Every little bit we can do to make their life easier. Thank you.
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Historique des dons
28 novembre 2020
Anonyme donné
50 $
28 novembre 2020
Anonyme donné
150 $
27 novembre 2020
Tamara B donné
25 $
27 novembre 2020
Laura A donné
50 $
27 novembre 2020
Kristen W donné
50 $
27 novembre 2020
Anonyme donné
100 $
We love being part of such an amazing community with such generous hearts. ♡ The Lucier Family ♡
27 novembre 2020
Kelly M donné
50 $