Amy and Tim's fundraiser for the RMHC Family Room at Markham Stouffville Hospital
Je recueille 984 $ pour OMRM du Canada.

Fin : 31 mai 2018
Our McHappy Day Fundraising Program is up and running for the second year in a row! Ronald McDonald Houses and Family Rooms allow families with seriously ill children to stay close during a very difficult time in their lives. When our older son, Cameron, was 2 months old, he was hospitalized for 9 days. We remember what it was like to have nowhere to go to take a break and yet be able to stay close to him. This is the reason why we are part of the volunteer team that helps raise funds for the RMHC. All funds raised in our campaign will go directly to the Ronald McDonald Family Room at the Markham Stouffville Hospital. Our goal of $984 will fund the operation of this room for 3 days. Thank you! Amy Lau and Tim Reynolds
Donner à cette collecte de fonds
Historique des dons
2 mai 2018
Resource Management Solutions Group donné
50 $
2 mai 2018
Darryl D donné
50 $
30 avril 2018
Nancy K donné
100 $
24 avril 2018
Lorraine A donné
50 $
23 avril 2018
Anonyme donné
50 $
22 avril 2018
Mark C donné
177 $
19 avril 2018
LaiFan M donné
25 $