Curling Bonspiel
Objectif de la campagne
1 767 $
5 000 $
Objectif de la collecte de fonds
124 $
500 $

Je recueille 500 $ pour OMRM du Canada.
Fin : 26 janvier 2019
You may remember that two years ago around this time, I shaved my head for our one of students going through a bone marrow transplant. This girl needed to stay in RMHC for several months during her treatment. I went to visit her and her family, seeing how incredible the RMHC really is. I'm combining one of my favourite activities, curling, with my desire to help these families who just really need us.
Cette collecte de fonds appuie :
RMHC-SWO 33rd Annual Curling BonspielEnsemble, nous avons amassé 1 767 $ pour atteindre notre objectif 5 000 $
Équipes participant à cette collecte de fonds
RMHC-SWO 33rd Annual Curling Bonspiel
amassé 0 $
Curling Bonspiel
amassé 124 $
On The Rocks
amassé 333 $
Red Shoe Society - RMH Curling Bonspiel
amassé 0 $