Ava's Walk 2020
Objectif de la campagne
Objectif de la collecte de fonds

Je recueille 500 $ pour Manoir de Toronto.
During Covid-19 we are unable to put on Ava's Walk, so this year we are hoping people will support Ronald McDonald House towards "meals for families" in honour of our daughter. This is in place of the the Home for Dinner program Ronald McDonald Toronto usually puts on for the families staying there during this difficult time. Home for dinner was such an amazing program during our stay at Ronald McDonald house. It was put on by different groups of people, multiple times a week. They would cook and serve dinner so as a family we could go and eat dinner and then get right back to the hospital to be with Ava. We didn't have to worry about cooking, buying groceries for the whole week or even having to eat hospital food yet again. It was one of the many programs during our stay that made it a little bit better, even during the toughest days. Raising money towards this program during this time is one of the many ways we feel we can give back and keep our daughters memory alive. Even 5$ goes a long way!

Cette collecte de fonds appuie :
RMHC Toronto COVID-19 ResponseContribuez à cette collecte de fonds.
Historique des dons
28 juin 2020
Kate R donné
50 $
25 juin 2020
Sarah H donné
24 $
Thank you to each and every person that continues to support Ava's Walk and Ronald McDonald House Toronto! So much love to you all.
24 juin 2020
Drink Coozie Sales donné
856 $
18 juin 2020
Michelle H donné
100 $
12 juin 2020
Gabby & Logan L donné
150 $
12 juin 2020
Lee H donné
100 $
12 juin 2020
Jenna S donné
35 $
9 juin 2020
Becky W donné
25 $
9 juin 2020
Nicole R donné
10 $
9 juin 2020
Barbara F donné
25 $
5 juin 2020
Jennifer D donné
30 $
15 mai 2020
Lisa O donné
20 $
10 mai 2020
Emely D donné
50 $
9 mai 2020
S C donné
50 $
9 mai 2020
Tiana B donné
25 $
Doing my best, I love you both and wish for nothing but greatness. Hoping you are both well during these times.
9 mai 2020
Anne T donné
100 $
With brave wings she flies
8 mai 2020
Brad P donné
50 $
Love Paige & Brad
7 mai 2020
Vanita W donné
25 $
7 mai 2020
Fred H donné
150 $
This is for my Little Angel Warrior who is watching over us.Papa loves and misses you every day.
7 mai 2020
Julie S donné
100 $
7 mai 2020
Emma C donné
50 $
7 mai 2020
Jeannette T donné
25 $
Ensemble, nous avons amassé 29 867 $ pour atteindre notre objectif 39 000 $
Équipes participant à cette collecte de fonds