Happy Valley Goose Bay Red Shoe Walk For Kids
Objectif de la campagne
Objectif de la collecte de fonds

Je recueille 2 000 $ pour OMRM de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador.
We Desire to raise money for sick children and families because we know the challenges and fears that come with having a child who is sick and having to travel away from home. Supporting the Ronald McDonald House in N.L Alleviates a lot of this stress because all funds raised go towards equipping our house and providing services to our families. The RMH is affordable and family accommodating it is safe and it is close to the hospital; its staff, volunteers and families offer a tremendous amount of support. You literally want for nothing when you stay there and it truly feels like home.
Cette collecte de fonds appuie :
2022 Red Shoe Crew-Walk for FamiliesDétails de l'événement:
25 septembre 2022 | 11:00
JOIN IN THE HAPPY VALLEY GOOSE BAY RED SHOE WALK FOR FAMILIES SUPPORT SICK CHILDREN AND THEIR FAMILES IN N.L, ENJOY THE FALL AIR AND THE BEAUTIFUL KINSMEN PARK WITH YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS ( AN ALL AROUND FEEL GOOD EVENT) LOCATION : Kinsmen Park TIME: 11:00 AM - 1:00PM DEPART THE PARK CROSSING AT THE CROSS WALK AND WALKING DOWN THE SIDEWALK AS FAR AS THE GREEN STREET (OLQP MIDDLE SCHOOL TURNOFF) AND BACK TO PARK FOR PRIZES, FUNDRAISING TOTALS AND REFRESHMENT. (WE HOPE TO HAVE SOME ENTERTAINMENT LINED UP AS WELL! ) PARTICIPANTS WHO FUNDRAISE RECEIVE A RED SHOE SHIRT HOW TO FUNDRAISE? *Register for event with the happy valley goose bay red shoe walk team online: www.rmhccanada.ca/fundraisers/red-shoe-crew-walk-for-families-happy-valley-goose-bay and make a donation *Donations accepted at the park *Pledge sheets Available * Purchase a sticker from local participating store FOR MORE INFO CONTACT: ALLISON OR MARK URQUHART AT 899-1988 OR Email allison_way@hotmail.com or see happy valley goose bay red shoe walk on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
Ensemble, nous avons amassé 15 443 $ pour atteindre notre objectif 250 000 $
Équipes participant à cette collecte de fonds