Help Keep Grey Bruce Families Close like The Farrell Family
Objectif de la campagne
Objectif de la collecte de fonds

Je collecte des fonds pour OMRM du sud-ouest de l'Ontario.
Our first stay was in 2016 when our son Casen was born prematurely with a rare genetic disorder and was transferred to the care of the paediatric critical care unit at the London Health Sciences Centre. Far from our home in Ripley Ontario, we had never heard of the Ronald McDonald House before. We quickly learned it was a magical place where you could not only sleep, shower, and eat, but a place to connect with other families going through similar things. In 2019, when Casen’s brother Kove was born at 29 weeks, we knew our first call was going to be RMHC-SWO as we prepared ourselves for a long journey in the NICU. RMHC was truly a home-away-from-home. When Covid created challenges, we knew we wanted to give back. For Kove’s first birthday, we hosted an RMHC-SWO online fundraising page and raised $1,300 in addition to donating a variety of pantry items. We love to support RMHC-SWO at any chance we get as you never know when and who will have to use the RMH services.
Cette collecte de fonds appuie :
McHappy Day 2023 - Keeping Families CloseEnsemble, nous avons amassé 2 434 $ pour atteindre notre objectif
Équipes participant à cette collecte de fonds