Help Keep Huron Perth Families Close like The Sippel Family
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Objectif de la collecte de fonds

Je collecte des fonds pour OMRM du sud-ouest de l'Ontario.
It’s safe to say many of us enjoy a relaxing dip in a hot tub after a long day, and many of us wouldn’t think twice about jumping right in. That’s what 3-year-old Jake did when he went for a family hot tub with his brother and father. A young, excited Jake wanted to be first and didn’t even wait for his dad to pull back the cover all the way before splashing in. Unfortunately, he jumped right back out after feeling the water at a burning temperature as the hot tub had malfunctioned – leaving Jake with 2nd degree burns on 40% of his lower body. In a panic with Jake yelling out in pain, they rushed to the Stratford hospital which immediately sent them to London Children’s Hospital. Thankfully he didn’t need surgery, however he did spend 2 weeks in-hospital with mom and dad rotating between his hospital room and Ronald McDonald House (RMH) London. It was going to be a challenge to care for Jake while caring for the rest of their young family, Brenden (4) and Mya (2), but with help from friends, family and RMH London Jake’s siblings were close by and well cared for. If you ask Jake… “Having my parents close meant I wasn’t scared of being alone. It was also a nice distraction from my injuries when I could go over to the House and be with my family and have fun with the other kids staying there.” While Jake’s memories focus on the fun he was able to experience at the House, his parents recall the feeling of relief being the highlight for them. Enjoying homemade meals, conversations with volunteers, and seeing the community come together under one rough reminded them they were not alone – and thanks to the House’s proximity to the hospital Jake wasn’t alone either. The Sippel family were molded by their RMH experience, and the House has motivated them to run multiple fundraisers in their community in hopes it will help others. Jake took such an interest in his family’s experience that he does an annual fundraiser that has raised over $21,000 to date to help other families staying close.
Cette collecte de fonds appuie :
McHappy Day 2023 - Keeping Families CloseEnsemble, nous avons amassé 2 434 $ pour atteindre notre objectif
Équipes participant à cette collecte de fonds