Jack’s SockIt Campaign
Objectif de la campagne
1 173 $
5 000 $
Objectif de la collecte de fonds
0 $
500 $
Je recueille 500 $ pour OMRM de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador.
Fin : 30 novembre 2021
When Jack was critically ill, RMH was there for our family. We felt so comfortable during our stay and we appreciate everything that RMH does for sick children and their families.
Cette collecte de fonds appuie :
#SockIt2021 Sock it for sick kids and their familiesEnsemble, nous avons amassé 1 173 $ pour atteindre notre objectif 5 000 $
Équipes participant à cette collecte de fonds
#SockIt2021 Sock it for sick kids and their families
amassé 120 $
Jack’s SockIt Campaign
amassé 0 $
Memorial University Biology Department
amassé 120 $
amassé 433 $
red and white stripes
amassé 0 $
Scotiabank - Twillingate Branch
amassé 0 $
Sock it in memory of Sianne
amassé 25 $
St Peter's Primary
amassé 150 $
Stephenville Middle School RHMC Sock It
amassé 30 $