Jake and Lauren Davis -Walking for Families
Objectif de la campagne
Soutien à l’objectif de la collecte de fonds

Je recueille 500 $ pour OMRM de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador.
The RMDH has had a piece of our hearts since Jake was born premature in October of 2016. It’s now become an annual family tradition to participate in this walk! Walking for families ❤️
Cette collecte de fonds appuie :
Red Shoe Crew Walk for Families - St. AnthonyContribuez à cette collecte de fonds.
Historique des dons
2 septembre 2020
Colleen J donné
20 $
31 ao�t 2020
Russell B donné
75 $
31 ao�t 2020
Natasha C donné
25 $
31 ao�t 2020
Anonyme donné
25 $
23 ao�t 2020
Joy D donné
20 $
21 ao�t 2020
Anonyme donné
500 $
Off you go, walking again, I have no doubt you'll make the end. We don't speak much, but I see your posts lots, Your wonderful family, I give you props. Post updates on FB, I'll see from afar, There's no denying how wonderful you are! Keep it up :)
Ensemble, nous avons amassé 79 187 $ pour atteindre notre objectif 250 000 $
Équipes participant à cette collecte de fonds
- The Three Musketeers
- Team Christian
- Lincoln's Little Red Shoes
- Willie's Walkers - New Harbour
- The Peckham Family
- Finley and Lincoln Walk for Families 2020
- Jake and Lauren Davis -Walking for Families
- Sandee & Korie
- Christine, Barb & Phyllis - Walk for Families
- Sarah's Walk for Families
- Gerry Beresford "When they Want, Where they Want Walk" for Families
- Stephen's Walk for Families
- Sarah's Tely 10/ 30th Birthday Walk for Families
- Arianna & Aleah Make Their Steps Count for Families!
- Jennifer Fleming
- Shirley Kenny
- Abbey French
- Kaely Marques
- Cherry-Lynn Benson
- Shae-lynn Lahey
- Adam Smith
- Rachel and Shane
- Don, Annette and Ryan
- Kristen Dooley
- Bethany Thompson
- Spencer Wilkins
- Simone Wilkins
- Sarah Williams
- Sarah Mallay
- Julie’s Walk for Families
- Lynn Cooze