Red Shoe Crew Walk - Maggie Deering
Objectif de la campagne
Objectif de la collecte de fonds

Je recueille 500 $ pour OMRM de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador.
Hi! My name is Maggie Deering, and I have been an active volunteer at Ronald McDonald House in St. John's for almost 3 years. My time spent at the house has been very rewarding, and I love being able to help out families and guests in whatever way possible. My goal is to raise money which can be used to buy food, cleaning supplies, and other necessities. The house runs on the hard work of volunteers, and the generous donations from the community. I hope to be able to raise $500.00 for the house. Due to the ongoing pandemic, all volunteer work and house services have been put on hold, and any donations at this time are greatly needed. A donation of any amount would be very appreciated! The families at Ronald McDonald House need our help more than ever.
Cette collecte de fonds appuie :
2020 Red Shoe Crew-Walk for FamiliesContribuez à cette collecte de fonds.
Historique des dons
16 septembre 2020
Catherine D donné
50 $
31 ao�t 2020
Nicole W donné
10 $
Good luck!!!
11 ao�t 2020
Anonyme donné
10 $
11 ao�t 2020
Anonyme donné
50 $
22 juillet 2020
Dylan B donné
10 $
22 juillet 2020
Len M donné
25 $
Good luck with your fundraiser !
21 juillet 2020
Anonyme donné
20 $
21 juillet 2020
Anonyme donné
20 $
Ensemble, nous avons amassé 79 187 $ pour atteindre notre objectif 250 000 $
Équipes participant à cette collecte de fonds
- The Three Musketeers
- Team Christian
- Lincoln's Little Red Shoes
- Willie's Walkers - New Harbour
- The Peckham Family
- Finley and Lincoln Walk for Families 2020
- Jake and Lauren Davis -Walking for Families
- Sandee & Korie
- Christine, Barb & Phyllis - Walk for Families
- Sarah's Walk for Families
- Gerry Beresford "When they Want, Where they Want Walk" for Families
- Stephen's Walk for Families
- Sarah's Tely 10/ 30th Birthday Walk for Families
- Arianna & Aleah Make Their Steps Count for Families!
- Jennifer Fleming
- Shirley Kenny
- Abbey French
- Kaely Marques
- Cherry-Lynn Benson
- Shae-lynn Lahey
- Adam Smith
- Rachel and Shane
- Don, Annette and Ryan
- Kristen Dooley
- Bethany Thompson
- Spencer Wilkins
- Simone Wilkins
- Sarah Williams
- Sarah Mallay
- Julie’s Walk for Families
- Lynn Cooze