RMDH Brings Families Together
Objectif de la campagne
Objectif de la collecte de fonds

Je recueille 253 $ pour OMRM du Manitoba.
From February 23, 2020 to March 16, 2020 my family stayed in RMDH to be closer to my daughter amaya while in PICU at Childrens Hospital after a horrific accident. I had no idea it cost $253 a day to stay there, as it is free for families in need. I am forever grateful for the RMDH and what the staff did for me and my family. They cooked us food, they did our laundry, they changed our sheets, held my baby and told me to have a nap. The staff there is more than just that when your there for a long time they turn into family. They cry with you and make sure you and your loved ones are cared for, entertained and fed. From the bottom of my heart, thank you RMDH
Cette collecte de fonds appuie :
RMHC Manitoba McHappy Day HeroEnsemble, nous avons amassé 1 040 $ pour atteindre notre objectif 5 000 $
Équipes participant à cette collecte de fonds