RMHC NL Board of Directors
Objectif de la campagne
Objectif de la collecte de fonds

Je recueille 5 000 $ pour OMRM de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador.
Families with a sick child need to be stronger than ever as they manage their own family crisis during a global crisis. Right now, it is hard for all families to stay close – but it is even harder for a family with a sick or injured child especially those who must travel far from home during these extraordinary circumstances. As our province’s family care charity, we understand the importance of keeping families close, especially during these difficult times. Our families need you, now more than ever. RMHC NL has experienced a significant reduction of funding due to cancellation of fundraising events, suspended in house volunteer programs, cancelled program support from outside groups and increased costs due to heightened infection control processes as a result of COVID-19. It has certainly been a challenging year. As a dedicated team of volunteers serving as board members for Ronald McDonald House Charities Newfoundland and Labrador, we are a 100% giving board and we have all made personal monetary donations to Ronald McDonald House Charities Newfoundland and Labrador again this year and we invite you to also do the same. We need your help now more than ever! Your donation will go directly to providing programs and services for families with a sick child at Ronald McDonald House. Your donation will have a direct impact on our ability to continue delivering our mission of keeping families close to their sick or injured child. Your donation will mean: • keeping families close to their sick child and the medical care and resources they need; • the keys to a family suite for a shower and a good night sleep; • hot meals; • access to laundry services; • extra cleaning supplies for advanced sanitization procedures; • activities to help keep children and families occupied during isolation. Our families need your help!

Cette collecte de fonds appuie :
2020 Red Shoe Crew-Walk for FamiliesContribuez à cette collecte de fonds.
Historique des dons
8 octobre 2020
Lynette B donné
150 $
8 octobre 2020
Maxwell R donné
20 $
30 septembre 2020
Atlantic Grocery donné
500 $
5 septembre 2020
Catherine C donné
250 $
3 septembre 2020
Angela B donné
25 $
2 septembre 2020
Anonyme donné
100 $
29 ao�t 2020
Kelly R donné
50 $
28 ao�t 2020
Kelly O donné
25 $
28 ao�t 2020
Janice M donné
50 $
28 ao�t 2020
Kim B donné
25 $
28 ao�t 2020
Anonyme donné
75 $
28 ao�t 2020
Tracey W donné
100 $
28 ao�t 2020
Wanda P donné
25 $
28 ao�t 2020
Audrey B donné
25 $
28 ao�t 2020
Pearce. & Louise M donné
25 $
28 ao�t 2020
Rhonda H donné
25 $
27 ao�t 2020
David L donné
100 $
In memory of Aaron Bradbury 🌈
27 ao�t 2020
Jennette C donné
100 $
Great cause near and dear to our hearts! Michael, Jennette and Anna Ryan
5 ao�t 2020
RMM donné
150 $
31 juillet 2020
Erin H donné
150 $
We LOVE Ronald McDonald House! It was a safe haven for the Higdons, and is a home away from home for so many. Please donate today!
Ensemble, nous avons amassé 79 187 $ pour atteindre notre objectif 250 000 $
Équipes participant à cette collecte de fonds
- The Three Musketeers
- Team Christian
- Lincoln's Little Red Shoes
- Willie's Walkers - New Harbour
- The Peckham Family
- Finley and Lincoln Walk for Families 2020
- Jake and Lauren Davis -Walking for Families
- Sandee & Korie
- Christine, Barb & Phyllis - Walk for Families
- Sarah's Walk for Families
- Gerry Beresford "When they Want, Where they Want Walk" for Families
- Stephen's Walk for Families
- Sarah's Tely 10/ 30th Birthday Walk for Families
- Arianna & Aleah Make Their Steps Count for Families!
- Jennifer Fleming
- Shirley Kenny
- Abbey French
- Kaely Marques
- Cherry-Lynn Benson
- Shae-lynn Lahey
- Adam Smith
- Rachel and Shane
- Don, Annette and Ryan
- Kristen Dooley
- Bethany Thompson
- Spencer Wilkins
- Simone Wilkins
- Sarah Williams
- Sarah Mallay
- Julie’s Walk for Families
- Lynn Cooze