Robert Morand's 2020 fundraising campaign supporting RMHC Family Room, Markham Stouffville Hospital
Objectif de la campagne
Objectif de la collecte de fonds

Je recueille 10 000 $ pour Salle familiale Ronald McDonald de Markham Stouffville.
The McHappy Day Fundraising Program for 2020 is up and running! Our campaign team last year was successful at reaching its goal to fund the operation of the Ronald McDonald Family Room at Markham Stouffville Hospital (MSH) for a year. This year my personal goal is to raise $10,000 to fund the Family Room for a month. When a child gets seriously ill, the stress can be devastating for a family. Tough decisions often split families apart when they should be together most. The Ronald McDonald Family Room allows families with seriously ill children to stay close during a very difficult time in their lives. Not only is this 'closeness' psychologically comforting, it is proven to aid significantly to the healing process. 100% of your donation goes directly to the York Region, Ronald McDonald Family Room at MSH. A hospital with a 'state of the art' neonatal intensive care unit, that is used by families throughout York and Durham Regions. The cost to run the Family Room is $328 each day, and my goal to keep it operating for a month! Please help me towards my goal! Any amount, that you can donate would be very much appreciated by the thousands of families who will benefit from these wonderful facilities. You will receive an immediate tax receipt for 100% of your donation. Robert Morand
Cette collecte de fonds appuie :
Finlayson Hospitality Partners' 2020 McHappy Day CampaignContribuez à cette collecte de fonds.
Historique des dons
11 ao�t 2020
Kylemore Homes Ltd donné
1 000 $
31 mars 2020
Pierre D donné
177 $
13 mars 2020
Lise D donné
100 $
27 f�vrier 2020
Mary K donné
130 $
24 f�vrier 2020
National Bank Investments donné
1 000 $
23 f�vrier 2020
Michael M donné
200 $
23 f�vrier 2020
Patrick K donné
100 $
5 f�vrier 2020
Mary B donné
150 $
30 janvier 2020
Robert M donné
328 $
Ensemble, nous avons amassé 78 925 $ pour atteindre notre objectif 120 000 $
Équipes participant à cette collecte de fonds
- Nicolette's fundraising campaign in support of the RMHC Family Room at Markham Stouffville Hospital
- May's 2020 fundraising campaign in support of the RMHC Family Room at Markham Stouffville Hospital
- Chris & Louise's 2020 fundraising campaign in support of the RMHC Family Room at Markham Stouffville Hospital