Team Ontario - Toronto McHappy Day Fundraiser
Objectif de la campagne

Ensemble, nous amassons 5 000 $ pour Manoir de Toronto.
McDonald's Restaurants are a founding and forever partner for the Ronald McDonald House Charities. In Canada, 65% of families live outside a city with a children's hospital and must travel for treatment if their child is seriously ill. The 16 Ronald McDonald Houses provide out-of-town families with a home to stay at while their child is being treated at a nearby hospital, while the 17 Ronald McDonald Family Rooms provide a comfortable place for families to rest and recharge, right inside hospitals. Together as a community, we can help give families a place to stay together, close to their sick child in hospital. We invite you to share in out fundraising efforts, continuing to provide support to our most vulnerable Canadians; our sick children. 100% of all donations will go directly to the Toronto Ronald McDonald House, including 10% of all items sold on May 10th.
Ensemble, nous avons amassé 25 $ pour atteindre notre objectif 5 000 $
Équipes participant à cette collecte de fonds