U11 AAA Huron Perth Lakers
Objectif de la campagne
Objectif de la collecte de fonds

Je collecte des fonds pour OMRM du sud-ouest de l'Ontario.
Our hockey team is fundraising for families calling RMHC Southwestern Ontario “home away from home” and we need your help! In the first week of October, we will be traveling to London, ON, to play in the 2024 Drew Doughty LJK U10/U11 AAA Tournament. It’s a lot of fun, AND it raises support for families who need to travel far away from home so their sick children can get the medical care they need. This is our team's Drew’s Crews Fundraising Page, and if we raise the most donations, our team could win some really great prizes AND help a lot of families! If you can make a donation, we would be really thankful. We believe we can win the prizes for the top Drew’s Crews fundraiser, but most of all, we want to help kids at RMHC have their families with them while they’re being brave in the hospital.
Cette collecte de fonds appuie :
Drew's Crew Challenge - Drew Doughty London Junior Knights Invitational AAA U10 / U11Contribuez à cette collecte de fonds.
Historique des dons
26 septembre 2024
Anonyme donné
100 $
24 septembre 2024
CHRIS C donné
50 $
20 septembre 2024
Rod and Susan W donné
150 $
19 septembre 2024
Brendan Magee Professional Corporation donné
250 $
Ensemble, nous avons amassé 15 151 $ pour atteindre notre objectif 25 000 $
Équipes participant à cette collecte de fonds