Je recueille 1 500 $ pour OMRM de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador.

Fin : 10 octobre 2020
We live in Goose Bay, Labrador. On July 6 This year our lives were turned upside down with our daughter’s Medevac to the Janeway, and her diagnosis of AML (leukemia) on July 7. We will have to remain near the Janeway Hospital for a total of 9-12 months to complete treatments. Ronald McDonald house has been a haven of normal in a time of chaos and upheaval. The staff are so friendly, asking about Grace every day. The facility is clean, comfortable, and welcoming. We know a lot of families from home that have stayed at RMH over the years and want to help support this wonderful place!

Cette collecte de fonds appuie :
Red Shoe Crew Walk for Families - Goose BayDonner à cette collecte de fonds
Historique des dons
27 septembre 2020
Noreen B donné
50 $
24 septembre 2020
Anonyme donné
50 $
23 septembre 2020
Renee R donné
50 $
22 septembre 2020
Jodean T donné
150 $
20 septembre 2020
Gloria M donné
75 $
Ronald McDonald House is integral to the support of families as they accompany their loved one on their cancer journey! :-)
20 septembre 2020
Sophie P donné
50 $
11 septembre 2020
Stefanie M donné
50 $
9 septembre 2020
Anonyme donné
25 $
9 septembre 2020
Shelly T donné
10 $
8 septembre 2020
Sherri S donné
100 $
6 septembre 2020
Anonyme donné
50 $