Let's keep Middlesex Elgin families Stronger, Together!
Campaign Goal
Fundraiser Goal

I’m raising $2,500 for RMHC Southwestern Ontario.
Being a new mom can be overwhelming at the best of times. At 1 month old, Eliana started having what can only be described as seizures – she was running a fever and couldn’t keep her food down. Mom, Brianna, knew she needed some answers and there was only one place she could get them – at Children’s Hospital. Brianna stayed close at Ronald McDonald Family Room while Eliana went through scans and tests. After days of worry, there was a diagnosis - severe acid reflux. Seeing your newborn get so many tests, hearing her cries and not being able to hold her was so hard. Brianna was mentally exhausted. The Family Room was her medicine. Every day the staff took care of Brianna – providing meals, a place to shower, clean clothes and a calm space to collect her thoughts. They took care of mom, so mom could take care of Eliana just steps from bedside. Today, the worry in Brianna’s eyes has been replaced by pride. Eliana is a thriving, playful toddler. They both want to say THANK YOU for keeping them close when it mattered most.
This Fundraiser is supporting:
McHappy Day 2022 – Stronger TogetherTogether we have raised $1,825 of our combined $20,000 goal
Teams participating in this Fundraiser