Lochlan’s First Birthday!
I’m raising $1,000 for RMHC Canada.
Ends: June 30, 2019
When Lochlan was born, he was diagnosed with jaundice before he was 24 hours old. We went from thinking we would be going home soon with our new baby to realizing that he would be kept in the hospital for days without us. We were absolutely devastated and terrified for Lochlan. Luckily, Ronald McDonald house had a room in the NICU where we could stay steps away from our precious little boy. He was in the NICU for four days, and we were able to stay with him the whole time. It made all the difference for us as anxious new parents. We want to celebrate Lochlan’s first birthday by giving back to the organization that gave us so much when we needed it most, so that they can continue to support other parents in our position.
Donate to this Fundraiser
Donation History
June 22, 2019
Holly T donated
June 22, 2019
Kyle H donated
June 19, 2019
Tara M donated
June 2, 2019
Andrew D donated
May 31, 2019
Indrani C donated
May 19, 2019
Randa Z donated
May 13, 2019
Rosa B donated
May 11, 2019
Seana H donated