Oliver Getting in Shape Before Hibernation-Around The World In 80 Hours
Campaign Goal
Fundraiser Goal

I’m raising $1,000 for RMHC Canada.
Ends: October 30, 2023
The friendly Canadian company I work for, SolidCAD, who is part off the Cansel group of companies is fundraising to help take care of sick kids and their families. I'm going to go walk, bike, row my way back into shape, just in time to fatten up over the winter! "Around The World In 80 Hours"! Join my team to race around the world by running, walking, biking, rowing, or any non-motorized method of transportation while simultaneously raising funds for RMHC. I am also sponsoring an iRacing league race on Sept 14th, which will be live streamed and hopefully driving some traffic to the fundraiser as well! Go team go!
This Fundraiser is supporting:
Around the World in 80 Hours/ Le Tour du Monde en 80 HeuresTogether we have raised $56,054 of our combined goal
Teams participating in this Fundraiser
All Washed Up (Around The World in 80 Hours Challenge!)
Total Raised $575
Around the World in 80 Hours/ Le Tour du Monde en 80 Heures
- Wonderland
- Team Nicolas Paquet - Around the World in 80 hours
- Team David Medeiros - Around the World in 80 hours
- Team Jean Rene Cornier - Around the World in 80 hours
- Team Jonathan Ermel - Around the World in 80 hours
- Team Adolfo - Around the World in 80 hours
Total Raised $0
Around the World in 80 Hours/ Le Tour du Monde en 80 Heures : Équipe Chouinard, famille et amis
raised $259
But we're at the Kaaawtage! (Kazina Fitness Challenge)
raised $2,443
Équipe Grimard
raised $518
Équipe Trudelle
raised $2,617
Home Away from Home
raised $200
JS for a good cause
raised $85
juraj sisic
raised $0
La gang de Sherbrooke
raised $100
Le Tour Du Monde En 80 Heures: Équipe Etienne
raised $435
NIckel Quarters - Vance nickel
raised $200
One Step Ahead(Mark Dyck)
raised $986
RMHC Canada- Helping Hands (V.T)
raised $0
Run ON Cloud - Team Marcoux
raised $1,293
Team Alex Laporte - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $1,150
Team Alizee S - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $50
Team Anas - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $200
Team Ani - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Art - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Avi - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Beliveau
raised $0
Team Brennen Wain - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $168
Team Brian Mazoff - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $225
Team Canossa - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $75
Team Colin G - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $50
Team Cynthia G.
raised $230
Team Dan Kugan - Around the World in 80 hours
Total Raised $25
Team Don B- Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Dyer AKA the Dye Hards
raised $295
Team Elnaz - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $25
Team Elyse - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $25
Team Fresh Princes of Val-Belair
raised $250
Team George Leask - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $100
Team Gill - Around the world in 80 hours
raised $3,087
Team Handley
raised $175
Team Harneet - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $50
Team Heath Miller - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $385
Team Hugh - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Hugo Trepanier
raised $50
Team Hung - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Ian Davies - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $200
Team Imran B - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $25
raised $10
team IsaGraziani
raised $50
Team Jae - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Jean - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Jean FL - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $25
Team Kevin Gilpin - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $225
Team Khodeja - Trailblazers
raised $25
Team Kurvin - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $20
Team Kyle - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Kyle D - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $268
Team Laflamme
raised $600
Team Lana - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Lina - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Lucien - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $50
Team MaddiedAussie
raised $500
Team Mariana - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $25
Team Mark Gartner - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $168
Team Marty C - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $100
Team Maud - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Mayank - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $200
Team Minhas
raised $3,275
Team Mirian Habib - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $100
Team Morneau-Ricard
raised $525
Team Oma - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Patrick C - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $100
Team Phileas Fogg
raised $4,022
Team Raquel
raised $568
Team Rikki - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $25
Team Rosa Franze - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $200
Team Shane B - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $100
Team Shaun - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $168
Team Shelley - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $1,086
Team Sid- Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Simard – Mc Wrap around the world
raised $1,000
Team Sohrab - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $50
Team Spirit
raised $0
Team Stephane C
raised $0
Team Sue - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Tayb - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Thuy - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $25
Team Troy - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Tyler P- Around the World in 80 hours
raised $25
Team Weena - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $195
Team Yan - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
The Prairie Peddler - Nicole Atkinson
raised $25
Vantage-Can Do It!
raised $313