Team Richmond Conciso - Around the World in 80 hours
Campaign Goal
Fundraiser Goal

I’m raising $200 for RMHC Canada.
Ends: October 30, 2023
Team Richmond Conciso - Around the World in 80 hours
This Fundraiser is supporting:
Around the World in 80 Hours/ Le Tour du Monde en 80 HeuresTogether we have raised $56,054 of our combined goal
Teams participating in this Fundraiser
All Washed Up (Around The World in 80 Hours Challenge!)
Total Raised $575
Around the World in 80 Hours/ Le Tour du Monde en 80 Heures
- Wonderland
- Team Nicolas Paquet - Around the World in 80 hours
- Team David Medeiros - Around the World in 80 hours
- Team Jean Rene Cornier - Around the World in 80 hours
- Team Jonathan Ermel - Around the World in 80 hours
- Team Adolfo - Around the World in 80 hours
Total Raised $0
Around the World in 80 Hours/ Le Tour du Monde en 80 Heures : Équipe Chouinard, famille et amis
raised $259
But we're at the Kaaawtage! (Kazina Fitness Challenge)
raised $2,443
Équipe Grimard
raised $518
Équipe Trudelle
raised $2,617
Home Away from Home
raised $200
JS for a good cause
raised $85
juraj sisic
raised $0
La gang de Sherbrooke
raised $100
Le Tour Du Monde En 80 Heures: Équipe Etienne
raised $435
NIckel Quarters - Vance nickel
raised $200
One Step Ahead(Mark Dyck)
raised $986
RMHC Canada- Helping Hands (V.T)
raised $0
Run ON Cloud - Team Marcoux
raised $1,293
Team Alex Laporte - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $1,150
Team Alizee S - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $50
Team Anas - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $200
Team Ani - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Art - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Avi - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Beliveau
raised $0
Team Brennen Wain - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $168
Team Brian Mazoff - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $225
Team Canossa - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $75
Team Colin G - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $50
Team Cynthia G.
raised $230
Team Dan Kugan - Around the World in 80 hours
Total Raised $25
Team Don B- Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Dyer AKA the Dye Hards
raised $295
Team Elnaz - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $25
Team Elyse - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $25
Team Fresh Princes of Val-Belair
raised $250
Team George Leask - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $100
Team Gill - Around the world in 80 hours
raised $3,087
Team Handley
raised $175
Team Harneet - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $50
Team Heath Miller - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $385
Team Hugh - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Hugo Trepanier
raised $50
Team Hung - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Ian Davies - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $200
Team Imran B - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $25
raised $10
team IsaGraziani
raised $50
Team Jae - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Jean - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Jean FL - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $25
Team Kevin Gilpin - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $225
Team Khodeja - Trailblazers
raised $25
Team Kurvin - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $20
Team Kyle - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Kyle D - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $268
Team Laflamme
raised $600
Team Lana - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Lina - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Lucien - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $50
Team MaddiedAussie
raised $500
Team Mariana - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $25
Team Mark Gartner - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $168
Team Marty C - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $100
Team Maud - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Mayank - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $200
Team Minhas
raised $3,275
Team Mirian Habib - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $100
Team Morneau-Ricard
raised $525
Team Oma - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Patrick C - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $100
Team Phileas Fogg
raised $4,022
Team Raquel
raised $568
Team Rikki - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $25
Team Rosa Franze - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $200
Team Shane B - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $100
Team Shaun - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $168
Team Shelley - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $1,086
Team Sid- Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Simard – Mc Wrap around the world
raised $1,000
Team Sohrab - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $50
Team Spirit
raised $0
Team Stephane C
raised $0
Team Sue - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Tayb - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Thuy - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $25
Team Troy - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
Team Tyler P- Around the World in 80 hours
raised $25
Team Weena - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $195
Team Yan - Around the World in 80 hours
raised $0
The Prairie Peddler - Nicole Atkinson
raised $25
Vantage-Can Do It!
raised $313